To make a secure donation via PayPal or Credit Card click the "Donate" button above, enter your donation amount and follow the prompts to complete your transaction. Your receipt will be automatically emailed once the transaction is complete.
If you would prefer to donate via a Direct Deposit EFT online through your bank, our details are below and we thank you for your donation.
Direct Deposit details:
Bendigo Bank
BRANCH: Wynnum Manly Community Bank
BSB: 633 000
ACCT NO: 165 940 206
NAME: 'Shepherd's Keep Australia Ltd'
Please include your name in the transaction Reference.
If you require a tax receipt for a direct deposit please use our email address below with your full name, address and amount donated.
Shepherd’s Keep Home for Abandoned Babies
is totally reliant on donations.
Shepherd’s Keep Australia Ltd ABN: 44 630 254 483
Registered with: ACNC and ATO
Should you wish to contact us directly, call us at:
Mobile: +61 414481506
Founders: Chris and Gem Guyler
There is nothing more precious than a human life and the fact that each baby who survives and makes it to Shepherd’s Keep is a miracle! We consider funding and donations an investment in these babies’ lives that
is priceless and eternal
in terms of human
dignity and worth.